In 2017, I had made myself an extremely aggressive list of things to do. And bench-marked that I would consider the challenge a success, if I was able to complete 90% of the goals. I failed. I made it to 75%. And carried forward the balance 25% to 2018. In addition to the new goals I had set myself for 2018. Having learnt from 2017, I tried to make the goals achievable, considering I had a huge backlog to complete.
And so, I consciously was looking out for tips and tricks to achieve my goals in a short period of time. Which I was hoping would allow me, not to write a similar blog on failing in 2019. And when I came across a headline that said, "How to learn anything in 20 hrs", I was ecstatic. Skeptical, yet excited. If this was true, I would be able to get done with my challenges. And have several months to spare.
Interestingly, I came across the headline and a link in a tweet. A habit, I had picked up as part of my 2017 goals. So 2017 was helping. The link led me to a Ted Talk. I was even more hopeful.
The TED Talk was as most TED Talks are. extremely interesting. There's definitely something in what Josh Kaufman is saying. And I plan to try it. You should watch the talk.
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything
Josh Kaufman
And for those who don't have 20 minutes, here's the 1 minute summary.
4 simple steps to, "Rapid Skill Acquisition"
1. Deconstruct the skill
Decide what you want to do when you are done. And break them down to a series of multiple simpler skills.
2. Learn enough to self-correct
Get 3-5 resources about what you're trying to learn. And use them to learn just enough to practice.
3. Remove practice barriers
Distractions. Television. Internet. So you can actually practice. With minimal or even better, No Distractions.
4. Practice at least 20 hours
There is a frustration barrier. Practicing 20 hours, overcomes the frustration barrier and reap the rewards.
And so, I consciously was looking out for tips and tricks to achieve my goals in a short period of time. Which I was hoping would allow me, not to write a similar blog on failing in 2019. And when I came across a headline that said, "How to learn anything in 20 hrs", I was ecstatic. Skeptical, yet excited. If this was true, I would be able to get done with my challenges. And have several months to spare.
Interestingly, I came across the headline and a link in a tweet. A habit, I had picked up as part of my 2017 goals. So 2017 was helping. The link led me to a Ted Talk. I was even more hopeful.
The TED Talk was as most TED Talks are. extremely interesting. There's definitely something in what Josh Kaufman is saying. And I plan to try it. You should watch the talk.
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything
Josh Kaufman

4 simple steps to, "Rapid Skill Acquisition"
1. Deconstruct the skill
Decide what you want to do when you are done. And break them down to a series of multiple simpler skills.
2. Learn enough to self-correct
Get 3-5 resources about what you're trying to learn. And use them to learn just enough to practice.
3. Remove practice barriers
Distractions. Television. Internet. So you can actually practice. With minimal or even better, No Distractions.
4. Practice at least 20 hours
There is a frustration barrier. Practicing 20 hours, overcomes the frustration barrier and reap the rewards.