Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are we the way we Drive ?

My wife Ivy has felt for very long that people drive the way they are. And has wanted me to write on the subject for quite some time now. Finally I’m writing this on her behalf. It goes without saying that all credit is hers and all errors and omissions and exceptions and … are mine and mine alone.

Driving reflects personality. Notice the next time you’re on the road and you’ll see several different driving styles

There are the people, who give right of way to pedestrians and cars crossing and wait for the old lady. These are probably nice, encouraging people in real life too. You may sometimes make the mistake of treating their niceness as weakness. Don’t. They know exactly what they are doing and choose to be nice. I‘d love to have them as my boss, my colleague my juniors, and even friends.

There is a type of driver that everybody hates, even when they themselves behave exactly the same way. They are the impatient ones, honking and swerving and changing lanes and generally behaving like they are the only ones who are in a hurry, and the rest of us should yield to them like they were an ambulance. These are the pushy ones in real life. Always looking for weaknesses to exploit, short cuts to take and generally try and get in front, without working for it. Normally you find that after a while, they are stuck behind a truck or at a signal and you are ahead of them. Just like in real life. They push ahead, but finally get left behind.

Then there’s the driver who’s constantly changing lanes. She’s unsure and always feels that the next lane is moving faster, until she’s there. Then suddenly that stops moving and it’s the other lane, sometimes the one she’s just left that begins moving faster. Until she’s in it. These are the indecisive people we see and meet. They just cannot make up their minds, and just when they do, they change it. They are the ones who always feel that the grass is greener on the other side and are likely to be perpetually unhappy.

And finally my favorite type. The patient driver. Tolerates all of the above. And yet calmly listens to his music system. Doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, or if he was, has figured out that it’s not going to help. So just drives as fast as he practically can and stays happy. And this is the typical Indian. Accepts circumstances calmly. After all, that our Karma.

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