Sunday, April 22, 2012

Intolerance in Society

Wednesday morning, I hear my daughters talking to each other about a student who died. It seems like he was in the same standard in Podar school and apparently, some classmates had beaten him up. I check how they know and apparently it’s all over their groups in the social media. I tell them its nonsense and to stop believing all the stuff they read on the social media.

Until I see the papers. And it’s filled with the incident of 16 year old Ansh Agarwal murdered by his classmates and his friends also teenagers. The reason is over a few alleged inappropriate SMS’s (Text messages) sent to a female classmate.  The police arrest 12 of the persons involved. There may be more to come.

It seems like we are becoming increasingly intolerant as a Society. We lose our temper over trivial issues, and scenes of road rage, and public fights is becoming quite frequent. I’m not sure what the reasons are, but it possibly has to do with our new found prosperity. A large number of urban residents are relatively rich and have a lot of disposable income. The money seems to give some kind of a power and an arrogance derived from it.

Police reports suggested that the teenager responsible for the murder of Anksh, actually called up his father, since his friends were a little scared of the consequences. The father, instead of cautioning his son against doing anything stupid, gave him the go ahead, with the assurance that he knew people high up who would handle any issue that might crop up. Such is the arrogance of our derived power, the root of which is new found money.

It seems like Money Corrupts, More Money Corrupts More. We are fast losing any moral values we may have. And when we encourage our children to take short cuts and set an example of “money can buy anything”, can we blame the kids for taking it to the next level. If we want our kids to become better human beings than us, and emulate our parents’ generation, then its high time that we the middle class society take a long hard introspective look and change our way of dealing with life.

Or leave behind a lawless jungle raj for our kids.

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