Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aarakshan – QED or QOD ?

The last 2 weeks, the film Aarkshan which means “Reservation” has been in the news. Various state governments have held private screenings and 3 states have even banned the film. Interestingly the Government officials who went to watch the film, went with their families, some of them with an entourage of extended family. Ironic that the people reviewing the film to decide whether we could see it or not, did not have any reservations about their families seeing the film.
The subject of reservations has always been controversial ever since Independence and in the 64 years since, just become more murky and even more controversial. Most people have extreme views and a majority of them are against it.

The issue of reservations in India has grown to mammoth proportions. The concept when it started was noble. People who were disadvantaged due to the lower caste and upper caste divide should now be given an advantage to help make up for the injustice of 1000’s of years. And so reservations were made for the disadvantaged in educational institutions, governmental jobs, and so on. The issue became increasingly severe when more and more groups of people wanted to join the disadvantaged bandwagon. So much so, that today in most places, whether educational or jobs, reservations are at a minimum of 25% and in many cases higher than 51%. The problem is that amongst people competing for these places, the majority is left with less than half the available seats. Debates have been going on for the last 64 years, but so far the politicians have been taking the politically correct soft stand of “Reservations is good”, since that’s where their votes are coming from.

The film released Friday with heavy security deployed in the theaters fearing protests, which typically tend to get violent. My daughter’s Prof had suggested they see the film as reservations was an important discussion point in Eco. And so, she requested me (or is ordered a more appropriate word) to go see the film with her. And so earlier today, we went to a mall to see the film. The theatre had several cops who I assume were there to prevent violence, but with an empty theatre that didn’t seem likely.

The film, unlike most films actually has a story. And it was good. Unfortunately the editing was poor and what should have been under 2 hours dragged on for over 3 hours. Interestingly the film which mirrors society, mirrored the politicians and took no stand or offered no opinion on the issue it was supposed to address. Instead, it revolved around a villain and a hero. And several sub heroes and sub villains. And finally the heroes win and all is well. The film definitely merits a viewing once.

The film uses the mathematical QED repetitively and the Big B calls it “Quite Easily Done” I think the film can be summarized as a variation of that. QOD or Quite Over Done.

In concluding, let me take a stance on the subject of reservations. My short answer, “Reservations are bad and should be scrapped”. The longer version is as follows. Firstly, the injustice of the past is a fact. Some of it continues and should be addressed. However injustice can never be solved or addressed by yet another injustice. And that is exactly what the reservations do. Secondly, the primary users of the reservation system is not the needy, but the greedy. It’s being used and misused by the wealthy from the so called reserved category. It defies logic as these people have got all the advantages and much, much, more than the normal person. And finally advantages should be given to the economically needy. Provide free  and or subsidized education and training and whatever else is needed to enable them to compete. Reservations cripple society. For the unreserved and for the reserved. Let’s enable the disadvantaged by giving them an opportunity to compete as equals.

1 comment:

  1. i totally agree with u.... but i would sound a racist if i say this since i belong to the so called upper caste..
    nothing can be changed unless people themselves take an initiative... as the politicians r too worst to be hoped for..
