Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lessons learnt from my favorite eldest daughter

Last week my daughter wrote a nice blog about me. And as they say every good deed deserves a "quid pro quo". And so I said, that this weeks blog would be about the lessons I learnt from her.

At the point of saying that this blog would be about the lessons I learnt from Freia, I had no idea that these lessons existed. I was just reacting. And so I was surprised that when I sat to write I found that she indeed had taught me quite a few lessons. I'll limit them to the Top 5.

1. Ask Lots of questions

Even before she could walk, she would talk. And had a zillion questions. Many of them simple, innocent questions. Why is red, RED ? What is Time ? And in trying to answer them I realized that asking the right questions leads to interesting solutions.

2. There is no limitation to your imagination

Freia has a favorite TV show. And whilst I can't recollect its name, I recollect what she kept repeating. Probably to drive it into my head. "There is no limitation to your imagination". Watching that show with Freia opened up a whole new world of Imaginovation.

3. Keep an open mind

I had a habit of jumping to conclusions very quickly. Freia was the opposite. She would allow for all kinds of possibilities. Various discussions with her over the years, have not gotten me to completely change, but at least be open to changing the quickly formed opinion.

4. Its okay to do nothing

This is probably the best or worst thing I've learnt from her. Doing nothing. Don't know if its of any value. But once in a while, when I do it, its reinvigorating.

5. Live Spontaneously

I'm a natural planner. And Freia plans nothing. She lives spontaneously. Once again I'm not sure if this is good or bad. But I've managed to get some spontaneity into some of what I do, thanks to her.

And a bonus I've got from Freia is "A good sense of humor". She has a great sense of humor. And I realized this when she became the first (and possibly only one), to recognize and appreciate my sense of humor. :-)

Thanks FREIA.

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