I've noticed that most people don't listen. Irrespective of what the speaker has to say. And the parts that they do hear, are those that endorse their own opinions. And they have extremely strong opinions. Most of the time not based on knowledge or data or evidence.
Interestingly most successful people listen. Even when the speaker has nothing to offer. Most important they have an open mind about even their strongest beliefs and so are able to absorb all new information and then process it through objective analysis and evaluation not hindered by the baggage of preconceived notions.
I've gotta go and listen. And if you have any thoughts about this or anything else, please do let me know. I'd love to listen. To an expert about how to listen.
I believe, oops think, that developing this one quality could make a major difference. At work and more importantly in Life.
Interestingly most successful people listen. Even when the speaker has nothing to offer. Most important they have an open mind about even their strongest beliefs and so are able to absorb all new information and then process it through objective analysis and evaluation not hindered by the baggage of preconceived notions.
I've gotta go and listen. And if you have any thoughts about this or anything else, please do let me know. I'd love to listen. To an expert about how to listen.
I believe, oops think, that developing this one quality could make a major difference. At work and more importantly in Life.