Sunday, March 15, 2015

Being Happy

I've always felt that if you did what you enjoy for a living, you'd be very happy. Unfortunately life doesn't always work that way and most people aren't able to get to do what they love or even like.

In my mind the answer was obvious. If you can't do what you love for a living, love what you do for a living.

And yet, most people are not very happy with what they do for a living and wish they were doing something else. I could never understand why if they couldn't start liking what they did, change and did something that they did like. Whilst most of them had a zillion reasons, I was never convinced, simply because it wasn't a short-term choice that was being discussed but a life choice. What exactly was the point of going through life and not ever enjoying its moments.

This week, I came across a very interesting talk, "The happy secret to better work". And it had an extremely interesting take on work and happiness. "We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity.

I'm feeling very lucky. I love what I do. And so get to be happy and productive. And best of all, I even get paid. Sometimes.

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