Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day - Honoring America's Fallen Heroes.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. When America honors its fallen heroes. Like all things American, its a big event. The holiday also ushers in summer and traditionally the holiday is celebrated with a barbecue. This year its still a little chilly, but not cold enough to stop the barbeque's.

The primary event celebrating memorial day is the concert in Washington on the eve. I just finished watching it, and it was touching. How America honors its troops, the fallen and the living is a something that the rest of the world can learn from.

In addition to moving performances, the performance highlighted a major issue amongst veterans. Depression and Suicide. It was highlighted in a very classy way by narrating the story of a veteran who was no more due to having ended his life. And did it in a meaningful way that honored his family and gave hope to people watching. The hosts highlighted the various avenues from which help was available and encouraged those facing the dilemma of frustration and helplessness to seek help, which is being made available easily.

Its ironic that the largest number of casualties as a percentage of population was in the America Civil War, close to 2% the next closest being World War 1 at a distant 0.3%. And after the Civil War and 2 world wars, the next highest number of casualties was in the Vietnam War and the Korean War. Whilst the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are nowhere close, each casualty is significant.

We may have several disagreements about war and politics and whether or not they were justified. However the one thing that we can all agree upon is that the men in uniform are the bravest amongst us and deserve our unconditional support, not only on Memorial Day but through the year.

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