Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dear Future Me

A couple of years ago when Reia and I were chatting I wondered about a website or service that would allow us to write to our future selves. I was thinking in terms of reminding ourselves of commitments we make to do things in the future and have us receive those commitments at a future time. So we could reflect on what we have or have not done.

A few days ago, Reia sent me the site that does this. And they explain what they do far better than I ever could.

What is this?

Usually, it's the future that will reflect back on the present. We decided to flip that around.

So send your future self some words of inspiration. Or maybe a swift kick in the pants. Or just share some thoughts on where you'll or what you'll be up to in a year, three years...more? And then we'll do some time travel magic and deliver the letter to you. FutureYou, that is.

Getting a surprise from the past is actually kind of an amazing thing - just check out all the people on Twitter and Facebook that agree. is based on the principle that memories are less accurate than e-mails. And we strive for accuracy.

You should check it out and send yourselves a few mails in the future. I did.

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