Sunday, April 5, 2020


COVID-19 has taken over the world. Figuratively and Literally. And there's a lot of misinformation being spread through social media. And what has bewildered me is that normal rational people have been sharing these conspiracy theories with captions like "Could this be true?", clearly assuming there may be some truth to the conspiracy theory. Even when there's absolutely no facts or science or even a reasonable theory to back it.

Here are 3 of my favorite talks from the ever reliable TED that are relevant to COVID-19 and would be helpful for viewers to make more educated judgements on what they view and what they share.

How pandemics spread

How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic
Bill Gates
- TED Connects

What the world can learn from China's response to the coronavirus
Gary Liu
- TED Connects

There are several interesting ones that you can check out at:

Also check out this blog:

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