I've always been interested in learning what makes a good presentation great. And have been constantly surprised at how few people are able to make a reasonable presentation. You'd assume that speakers at conferences hare professionals and this is their 128th presentation and they'd have learnt something about how to engage the audience. Surprise, surprise, all most of them have managed to do is perfect the art of completely ignoring the audience and their boredom.
Making effective presentations is not very difficult. There are a myriad resources online and otherwise which are very helpful. If only you pause, realize you need help and go find it.
This blog is not about any of this. Its about a great presentation. And simplifying ideas, in a manner to make it understandable. Not for the experts. But for everyone interested.
I recently came across this 2010 presentation by Roy Beck and was fascinated about the methodology he used to make a complex subject, simple. Not simplistic. Just understandable.
Have a look and I'm sure that the next time you have to talk on a subject, you'll have a few ideas on how you can simplify and make ist super interesting.
Enjoy !