Sunday, November 17, 2013


After the Uber realization, I realized how there were several new services, innovations, products, ... that were out there and I had absolutely no idea about. I'm assuming that some of you maybe like me and have no idea about some of the cool stuff out there.

And so to educate myself, I decided to dedicate the next few blogs to cool stuff. And this week is dedicated to Coin. So what is Coin. And like all good things, who better to explain the concept than the folks who invented it.

All your cards. One Coin.

Its said that a picture speaks a thousand words. And a video a million. The coin video explains it all in under 3 minutes. Watch it.

Coin is still under development. And while it'll be shipped in the summer of 2014, its available as a pre-order. And yes, I have pre-ordered.

Whilst going through the product I came across a very interesting fact. The CEO and CTO of the company are of Indian origin. Kanishk Parashar is the CEO & Founder and Karthik Balakrishnan the

An interview that Kanishk gave to TechCruch throws light on the thought process and the product. Here's to Kanishk and Karthik and to the success of Coin.

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