Sunday, April 2, 2017

Doodle to Art

I've always wanted to draw. And just like most things I've wanted to do, to say I wasn't very good at it, would be an understatement. Even my parents had difficulty in making out what I had scribbled. And that was after I had explained what is was.

Finally, decades later, even I can draw. Google's AutoDraw seems to have been designed exactly for people like me. Which is a whole lot of people.

As in most things, the creators summarize their creation the best. And here's what Google, the creators of AutoDraw have to say about their Awesomely Amazing product.

AutoDraw is a new kind of drawing tool. It pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help everyone create anything visual, fast. There’s nothing to download. Nothing to pay for. And it works anywhere: smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc.

AutoDraw’s suggestion tool uses the same technology used in QuickDraw, to guess what you’re trying to draw. Right now, it can guess hundreds of drawings and we look forward to adding more over time. If you are interested in creating drawings for others to use with AutoDraw, contact us here.

We hope AutoDraw will help make drawing and creating a little more accessible and fun for everyone.

AutoDraw has been "Built by Dan Motzenbecker and Kyle Phillips with friends at Google Creative Lab."

Here's a quick look at AutoDraw: Fast Drawing for Everyone

Check it out:

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