Sunday, April 16, 2017

Lifestyle Guru

Part of my 2017 resolutions have me losing weight. Significant weight. In office, we've discussed this subject a zillion times. And while we all knew what was good and bad, we always ended up doing what satisfied our never ending cravings. And that invariably happened to be BAD.

This time around there was a difference. I started by talking about what diet I would do. And how I would lose weight. And so on an so forth. That's when my colleague Claudian rudely interrupted me. And made it clear that in his not so humble opinion, I was an IDIOT. What I was going to do, would not only not work, it would fail miserably. And I was doomed to be overweight forever. Unless, ...

Normally, I would argue or at the very least ignore such sweeping, general statements. Except for 1 thing. Claudian was looking slim and fit. And had lost over 10 lbs. So it seemed like whatever he was doing was working. And I immediately made him my Guru. And promised to follow his every direction. At all times. Well, at most times.

And I latched on to every word, aka "Pearls of Wisdom", that came from the Guru. His very first pronouncement. Dieting doe not help. So, stop dieting. What you need is a "Change in Lifestyle". Okay. So, what can I eat. "Anything and everything", Claudian, or as I now refer to as "Lifestyle Guru", said. I already loved him. And his pronouncements. Until he qualified it. "In moderation".

He also gave me his 10 commandments.

1. Thou shalt not have Tea, first thing in the morning.
You may have a glass of warm water with lemon.

2. Thou shalt not drink any aerated waters. Or sugary drinks.
You may have sparkling water.

3. Thou shalt have 5 meals a day.
Snack on nuts or fruits or salads.

4. Thou shalt not overeat.
Satiate your need. Not your greed. Eat whatever you want. In moderation.

5. Thou shalt not have high calorie foods.
All natural products are low calorie and healthy.

6. Thou shalt not remain hungry.
Starving leads to binge eating.

7. Thou shalt not avoid foods you love.
Avoiding things you love, aka desserts, will lead to binging on them when you do see them.

8. Thou shalt exercise daily.
Being fit ensures a healthy metabolism.

9. Thou shalt learn to say NO.
Always saying Yes when food is offered, leads to eating more than required.

10. Thou shalt follow all commandments.
Today. And until kingdom come.

And as I start this journey from Dieting to Lifestyle Change, I need to give my Guru, Guru Dakshina, which is a gift for the Teacher. And that's this Blog. Which could be the beginning of a new movement. A healthy movement. Led by its dynamic leader. One who practices what he preaches. The Lifestyle Guru.

p.s.: A Huge Shout-out to Ruby. The Inspiration of the Lifestyle Guru. His better half. And most importantly, the Chronicler of the Guru, aka Mobile Photographer.

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