Sunday, January 14, 2018

Truth v/s Fact

While walking with my friend Salil, in a discussion I said, "That's a lie. It's just not true". And he replied, "Truth is whatever one believes. Even if it may not be a fact."

And this was one of my eye opening moments. I never realized that there was a big difference between Facts and Truth which I always assumed to be one and the same thing. While this may be due to a myriad of reasons, the fact remains that 'Truth is nit always Fact." See I'm learning.

And like all new things that I find out, I always find someone wiser found that out a long time ago and was kind enough to make a video on it.

Here's my favorite, "Truth v/s Fact" lesson from the fountain of knowledge, aka as the world wide web.

What Is Truth? ~ 5 minute explanation

You cannot have a philosophical question without a Guru's point of view. Here is the take on the subject by Sadhguru.

What is Truth? - Sadhguru

And then there's:
Fact vs. Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law… EXPLAINED!

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