Sunday, January 3, 2021


The Vaccine is here. And COVID is still here

Adoption of COVID protocols has been poor. In most places, I think. I'm extrapolating from the 2 places I spent 2020 in. US and India. The only place a majority of people wear masks is when their only other option is to not visit those places. Such as in grocery stores, airports, airplanes, ... And even there, when they think they might get away with it, they remove their masks.

In December 2020, the Captain of my BOM-EWR flight had to make an announcement to the effect that several passengers were not wearing their masks and were refusing to comply even after the cabin crew requested them to. "Its a serious offense and if you'll don't comply immediately, we will be forced to take strict action." And this was within less than an hour of the flight taking off on a 15 hour journey.

Ivona, my wife is a Respiratory Physician and a front-line worker. And all of us are worried for her. And the millions of essential workers who put their life at risk. And so when I see people behaving in a manner that is detrimental not only to them, but to the people around them, it causes me angst and I'm baffled. I just don't get it.

The arguments that people offer for not wearing a mask range from ridiculous to ingenuous to silly to ridiculous.

Let me give a few examples that I've had the misfortune of listening to, in person, from people I consider my family and friends.

1. The government can't tell us what to do. It's my choice to do what I think makes the most sense.

This is incorrect in a zillion ways. The government and as an extension society tells us every single living moment what we can and cannot do. What speed we can drive at, what side of the road, what we can and cannot carry when we fly, what we can and cannot carry when we drive, what kind of clothing we can wear to public places, or a restaurant, or a store, or a concert, or to school, or to work, or to ... And yet somehow, wearing a small piece of cloth to protect yourself and more importantly others is taking away your freedom ?

2. Masks do not work

And this based on Dr. Fauci saying in February that masks are not required or Dr. ... said that there is no evidence to show masks work or the efficacy of masks is minimal or ... And that the data is spurious or falsified or ...

This argument has several holes. In fact calling it an argument is giving it more merit than it deserves.

For starters how come you listened to what Dr. Fauci said in February but are unwilling to listen to what he's said thereafter, a zillion times? Are you suggesting that he should be held to a standard that his first analysis is correct and everything else thereafter false. Then how come you don't hold your political leaders who make a zillion bloopers and change their minds not only on a daily basis, but sometimes in the same sentence to that standard. And how come you don't not hold yourself to the same standard, but attribute changing your mind to how open-minded you are and use the latest information you have to make your choices and decisions.

How come the data that the CDC in the US and 100's of other countries have published is unreliable and yet you quote the same sources for virtually everything else, including your healthcare, your economy, your political beliefs, ...

3. I'm safe. And so are the people I interact with

Really? If this were true we would not be having as of today, 85 million global cases and over 1.84 million global deaths. A large percentage of it in the US and India. And it also begs the question that even if you assume you're safe, why can't you do it for the people you interact with. 

You dress appropriately for them, you speak appropriately to them, you interact appropriately with them. How will a little face covering affect you and even if you're right, don't you think that doing something selflessly, just in case you're not right is appropriate behavior. That you yourself have practiced in every single facet of your life thus far.

Unfortunately this list is long. And boring. And most of them revolve around the 3 central themes I've outlined.

And even more unfortunately, this dangerous behavior is going to worsen, now that there's a vaccine available. What many of us fail to appreciate that it's likely to be June 2021 until a significant number of people are vaccinated and the end of the year before it reaches the level that's likely to result in herd immunity.

Here's a MYTH V. FACT from



Most people who will read this, probably already agree with most if not all of what I've outlined. And those who don't will probably never see this or anything that mildly advocates this.

I can but only BEG you to:

It isn't about politics.
It isn't about freedom.
It isn't about choice.
It is to protect YOU.
It is to protect YOURS.

Here's wishing each and every one of you a SAFE and HAPPY 2021.

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