Sunday, November 17, 2019

Inner Engineering

Around a year ago, my colleague Kurund had done a course "Inner Engineering" and highly recommended it. He felt that it was extremely useful. I've always found Kurund's recommendations to be "on point" and so wanted to do this course. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a time when the course was being held in my city and me being there.

A few weeks ago on Diwali, I saw an ad for the online version of the "Inner Engineering" course. And best of all, it was free. I immediately signed up. And did the 7 part course over a 2 week period.

It was definitely interesting. And educative. And there were several takeaways. And like most good education adds yet another layer and dimension to Life.

What is Inner Engineering?
Inner Engineering is a 7-session online course that provides tools and solutions to help manage stress, overcome anxiety and live joyful life. This course is a combination of methods derived from the ancient science of yoga that addresses every aspect of human wellbeing. The program includes guided meditations and deeply engaging discourses about the nature of the mind and practical wisdom to manage life’s situations.

Empower Yourself - Take a program Online with Sadhguru at your own Convenience:

I recommend that you watch a few videos of Sathguru on YouTube. And if you find his style and thoughts appealing, do consider doing it. Most of all, you need not consider it from a spiritual or religious perspective, but from a philosophical perspective.

Here are a couple of interesting talks by Sadhguru.

And as I did, we need not agree with everything or even most of the philosophy or the content. We just need to listen carefully, evaluate it and then take those parts we agree with, learn from them and implement them.

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