Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chintan Baithak

This week we had a reflective meeting at our office we called "Chintan Baithak". Chintan means Thought and Baithak a sit-down. I guess the closest translation would be a "Thought Sit-down" or a "Reflective Meeting".

Our goal was to reflect on the year that went by, identify strengths and weaknesses of ourselves and our colleagues and elaborate on them to each other. It was an extremely interesting session. I learned more about myself as perceived by others in the 3 hours than I had in the last decade.

Ironically there were several positives that I took for granted and didn't really value. And worryingly enough several negatives that I thought of as positives. What I thought I was doing and or communicating and what was perceived didn't seem to have any co-relation.  I was like a sponge taking all of this feedback being given by my colleagues.

The Chintan Baithak was an eye-opener. And a reminder that we need to pause once in a while, at least once a year and talk to people and listen to their point of view. And to their perception of our actions.

Correcting the perceptions and making minor modifications to correct the gap between the purpose of the action and its perception is relatively easy. Once you understand the gap. The major issue is knowing that a gap exists, what the gap is and finally analyzing why there is a perception difference between what you are trying to do and what you convey.

This led me to wonder if there was anything I could do to increase my self-awareness. And as almost always I found the magic talk on TED. And the title was exactly what I was looking for a quick fix. Check it out.

Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix
Tasha Eurich

"Self-awareness has countless proven benefits -- stronger relationships, higher performance, more effective leadership. Sounds pretty great, right? Here’s the bad news: 95% of people think that they’re self-aware, but only 10-15% actually are! Luckily, Tasha Eurich has a simple solution that will instantly improve your self-awareness. As a third-generation entrepreneur, Dr. Tasha Eurich was born with a passion for business, pairing her scientific savvy in human behavior with a practical approach to solving business challenges..."

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