Sunday, January 5, 2020

A New Year! A New Decade! A New Me ?

This morning when I was thinking about today's blog, I decided to write about the wonderful family time we had. Freia had come down for 2 weeks. Ivy was here to receive Freia and then see her off.

And Reia had surprised Ivy and her favorite girl cousin in India, Simbu by dropping in on Christmas Day, even though she could spend only 3 days in Mumbai. It was expensive and tiring and as Freia put it cost $400 / day, but the joy in Ivy's face when she saw Reia made the trip Priceless.

This afternoon we got the news that a close family friend of Mabel, who I also knew, had passed away from a massive heart attack. He was well and all seemed good. Until this afternoon. And then suddenly he was no more. These unexpected moments of life, make you ponder about Life itself.

A few days ago we started a New Year. And a new decade. I realized TODAY that it also has to be the start of a New Me. Living life like there's no tomorrow. Making the best of what we have. Enjoying every moment. With Family & Friends.

These "5 Tips For a Joyful & Successful 2020" compiled from Sadhguru seems to be a great list.

Every morning - Choose to be joyful.
1. Sit on your deathbed. Do things that really matter.
2. Identify 3 Things that make a wonderful human being. Be Kind / Listen / Be Helpful
3. Utter half the words you usually do.
4. Look back on your day.
5. Break at least 1 limitation each month.

My list is inspired by that list. And basically revolves around planning and completing the things I've always wanted to do. As soon as practical.

I made a list. A long list. And even wrote it below. Until it dawned on me. A misquote of a Clint Eastwood movie line, I've used often. "When you have to do something, DO IT. Don't talk about it". And that's exactly what I'll be doing. Doing. Not talking. Or writing.

Here's wishing each and every one of you an Amazing & Awesome 2020. And an eventful and happy 20's decade. Cheers!

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