Sunday, March 22, 2020

Freia moves from Q1 to Q2 !

Yesterday was Freia's 25th birthday. And she had a party for around 30 friends. Given the Stay-at-Home orders in several states including Connecticut where we are and New York where many of Freia's friends were, she could not have a regular party.

So she went ahead and had a virtual party. Over Zoom. And while I was not invited, except for a few brief moments to help cut the cake and take a few photos, I did get a peek. And it was super interesting.

This was Freia's 25th birthday and she was able to have friends join in from across the world from multiple cities and a myriad timezones.

Happy 25th Freia. You now move from Quarter 1 to Quarter 2 of Life.

Even though I've used Zoom for meetings for several years, I had no idea it could be used to have a virtual party. And had several fun features. Freia seemed to know all of the various ways in which it could be used.

Instead of me trying to explain the zillion features, it would be appropriate for me to allow her ex-company Mashable to explain it. Since they do a better job than I could.

How to start living your best Zoom party life

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