Sunday, November 22, 2020

Impostor Syndrome

I'm always afraid that I'm not good enough in most settings. And am secretly envious when others seem so confident and sure of themselves even when its obvious that they know very little and a lot of what they're saying is for want of a better word, "BS".

So it was with relief that I found that this is true for many people. And I could heave a sign of relief.

"Have you ever doubted your abilities, feared you were going to be discovered as a "fraud"? That's called "impostor syndrome," and you're definitely not alone in feeling it, says entrepreneur and CEO Mike Cannon-Brookes. In this funny, relatable talk, he shares how his own experiences of impostor syndrome helped pave the way to his success -- and shows how you can use it to your advantage, too."

How you can use impostor syndrome to your benefit
Mike Cannon-Brookes

 "Even after writing eleven books and winning several awards, Maya Angelou couldn't escape the doubt that she hadn't earned her accomplishments. This feeling of fraudulence is extremely common. Why can't so many of us shake feelings that our ideas and skills aren't worthy of others' attention? Elizabeth Cox describes the psychology behind the imposter syndrome, and what you can do to combat it."

What is impostor syndrome and how can you combat it?
Elizabeth Cox

And here's an interesting article that may help sort out some of the issues or at the very least provide some guidelines.

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