Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bridging the Great Divide

In 5 days on Friday, Donald Trump will take over as the 45th President of the United States.

Most people expected that after the extremely acrimonious elections, people would unite. Unfortunately that's not happening. It seems like its becoming worse and both sides, the Democrats as well as the Republicans are doubling down on their positions.

Earlier this week, I had conversations with 2 Republicans. And they were taking extreme positions. They were critical of the Democrats. Their action not only in the last 8 years, but also since the elections. As an example, they quoted Democrats raising concerns since Hilary Clinton had won the popular vote. By almost 3 million votes. Which was a fact. I didn't get it. How could they have an issue with the Democrats raising this as an argument to question the legitimacy of the President -Elect when they seem to have no issue with the President-Elect himself spending over 6 years questioning the legitimacy of the Obama administration. And on the basis of a figment of the imagination.

The other side was equally irrational. They argued about the nomination of the Secretary's by the President-Elect. The fact that they were extremely conservative. But isn't that what one should expect when the Conservatives won, with the far right dominating. And its not as if the Democrats had put independents or moderates in their Cabinet.

Both sides earnestly believed that the other side was evil. Actions by the other side was deemed unacceptable and extreme, whilst the exact same action by their side was acceptable because of the circumstance.

And I came across this TED Talk that speaks about "How to have better political conversations".

I liked what Robb Willer has to say. And agree. However I believe that no one is likely to change their position even after seeing this. Both sides are likely to agree that all Robb speaks about is True of the other side. They themselves are rational, reasonable people. Nevertheless I'll try and see if anyone changes their mind. But, I wouldn't bet on it.

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